The Health Hazards of DIY Moving: Why Medical Professionals Recommend Removalists

Moving house. It’s a phrase that can send shivers down the spine of even the most organised person. The boxes, the packing tape, the endless lists – it’s enough to make anyone want to curl up in a ball and pretend it’s not happening. But beyond the stress and chaos, there’s a hidden danger lurking in the world of DIY moving that many of us overlook: the risk to our health. It’s no wonder that medical professionals often recommend hiring professional removalists to handle the heavy lifting.

Now, I know what you’re thinking. “Come off it, mate! How dangerous can it be to chuck a few boxes in the back of a ute? Why bother with professional removalists?” Well, let me tell you a story that might change your mind and have you reaching for the phone to call a removalist company faster than you can say “slipped disc”.

A Cautionary Tale

Picture this: It’s a scorching hot Saturday in Sydney. My mate Dave, bless him, decided he was going to save a few dollarydoos by moving his entire three-bedroom house by himself. “No worries,” he said. “I’ve got muscles to spare!”

Fast forward 12 hours, and there’s poor Dave, flat on his back in the emergency room, with a slipped disc and more bruises than a bag of dropped peaches. The doctors shook their heads, muttering about “amateur movers” and “preventable injuries”.

Dave’s story isn’t unique. In fact, according to a study published in the Medical Journal of Australia, DIY moving is responsible for a significant number of preventable injuries each year. The research showed that back injuries, in particular, spike during peak moving seasons [1].

But it’s not just about throwing your back out. Oh no, the health risks of DIY moving go far beyond a bit of back pain. Let’s break it down, shall we?


Creating Compelling Social Media Ads for Your Yoga Studio

Creating Compelling Social Media Ads for Your Yoga Studio

Namaste, yoga studio owners and marketing enthusiasts! Ready to stretch your social media advertising muscles? Fantastic, because we’re about to flow through the art of creating compelling social media ads that’ll have potential students rolling out their mats at your studio faster than you can say “downward dog.”

I remember working with Maya, who ran a cozy yoga studio in Portland. She was amazing at teaching yoga but felt like she was stuck in child’s pose when it came to social media advertising. We worked on her social media ad strategy, and within three months, her class attendance had increased by 40%. But let’s not get ahead of ourselves – let’s start from the beginning, shall we?

Why Social Media Ads for Yoga Studios?

Before we dive into the how-to, let’s talk about why social media ads are such a great fit for yoga studios. Picture this: Sarah, a stressed-out office worker, is scrolling through her Instagram feed during her lunch break. She sees your ad showcasing a peaceful yoga class, promising stress relief and flexibility. Bam! You’ve just planted a seed that could turn into a new student.

Social media ads allow you to:

  • Reach people in your local area who might be interested in yoga
  • Showcase the unique atmosphere of your studio
  • Target specific demographics likely to be interested in your classes
  • Control your budget and adjust in real-time
  • Measure your results accurately

Now, let’s flow through how to create social media ads that will have potential students saying “yes, please!” to your yoga classes.


Tips And Tricks For Moving House

Moving to a new home can be an exciting yet daunting experience. It marks the beginning of a new chapter in life, filled with possibilities and adventures. However, moving can also be overwhelming, as you have to deal with many tasks and decisions. To help ease this transition, we’ve compiled a list of tips and tricks.

Start with a Strategic Plan

  • Create a Checklist: Cover all aspects of your move and create a timeline of when you want each point done.
  • Start Early and Categorize: Start packing well before your move date. Categorize and label items by room, type, or usage to make the packing and unpacking process easier.
  • Let the professionals help: Hire a professional moving company like Emmanuel Transport to ensure your belongings are moved safely and securely to avoid breakages and multiple trips between properties. This saves you time and energy, which allows you to focus on setting up your new home.
  • Stay Organized: Before packing, declutter your belongings.


Fighting Dental Fear in Children

Fighting Dental Fear in Children

Fear of the dentist affects around five percent of the Australian population. To someone who doesn’t fear their dental check-up, they may not see what all the fuss is about. However, to those who have a phobia, believe some dental myths or are genuinely scared of the experience, it can be overwhelming. Fear of a dental technician can start from a young age, with a childhood experience often tainting future appointments too.

Your local dentist will advise that if you are worried about your children being scared or overwhelmed with their scheduled dentist visits, then it might be time to get proactive. There are several things you can to do to ensure their check-ups are as straightforward as possible.

Meet First

When you take your dog to a vet clinic for the first time, the vet will shower them in love, give them treats and toys, and lay a foundation for positive veterinary visits going forward. The same concept applies to a child’s first trip to the dentist.

The first one should be merely a meet and greet, offering you a chance to ask questions as a parent, and for the child to learn all about the clinic and meet the dentist and their team who will be taking care of them. Then, the next time you return, your child will be in familiar surroundings.

Be Mindful of What You Say

If you have had a damaging dental experience in the past, then it’s a good idea to be aware of what you say around your children. A dentist’s office should be a positive place, not one of horror. Avoid using negative language about a dentist and focus on the good in the visit – such as keeping your teeth sparkling clean and healthy.

Prepare Them

In the days before to your child’s first dental check-up, prepare them by dropping information into everyday conversation. Get them used to talking about their teeth, and even help them to count them so they can be full of fun information to tell their dentist when they meet them for the first time.

Encourage Beneficial Oral Care Habits

If you want your child’s first in-chair check-up to be a rewarding one, then lay the groundwork from a baby. Wipe their gums with soft gauze, see a dentist as soon as they are one year old or their first tooth erupts, and make it a fun exercise to brush their teeth twice daily. When you instill oral health habits from a young age, their teeth are more likely to be in tip-top shape when it comes time to attend their first check-up.


Why Getting Into Drug Rehab Quickly is Essential

Why Getting Into Drug Rehab Quickly is Essential

When someone you know and love needs drug rehab, it’s essential to get them into it as quickly as possible. The longer it is left, the more damage it causes – and if they are gone for too long without treatment, it sometimes becomes impossible to help them. As sad as it is, it’s better to face the likelihood of a worst-case scenario than to procrastinate because the simple fact is that untreated drug addiction can kill. And before that happens, the addict’s life will be wrecked as they seek the only thing that seems to work for them: more drugs.

Overseas rehab centres in Bali and Thailand have become popular due to the much lower cost than Australia’s. Still, when considering quick help, Bali – known for its beautiful scenery and picturesque villas from Easy Bali Villas – is the fastest and easiest to get to.  With only one plane trip to take, the addict can usually manage to get to their destination without becoming distracted by the need for another fix.

Besides this, many people don’t have the finances to provide for a month or more at a drug rehabilitation centre that does not offer affordable sts.  While it is essential to get a treatment that works, affordability is a fact of life that must be considered.  If you need to take out a loan, an affordable amount is much easier to pay back and more likely to be given in the first place, enabling you to get the best treatment for your loved one.


Finding the Perfect Foundation for Your Skin Type in Perth

Choosing the proper foundation for your skin type is crucial in the sunny city of Perth, where the climate ranges from hot, dry summers to mild, wet winters. For those passionate about skincare and beauty, navigating the vast world of foundations can be overwhelming. This guide from the beauty experts at simplifies the process, ensuring you find a foundation that matches your skin tone and caters to your skin’s unique needs.

Understanding Your Skin Type

The first step in selecting the proper foundation is understanding your skin type. Perth’s diverse climate means your skin might need different things at different times of the year:

  • Dry Skin: Look for hydrating or creamy foundations that add moisture.
  • Oily Skin: Opt for oil-free, mattifying foundations that help control shine.
  • Combination Skin: Consider a foundation that offers a balance, perhaps more mattifying in the T-zone and hydrating around the drier areas.
  • Normal Skin: You’re lucky to have the most options, but a lightweight, buildable foundation often works best.

Importance of Shade Matching

Matching the foundation to your skin tone is vital. Test the foundation on your jawline instead of your hand to get the most accurate match. The right shade will seamlessly blend into your skin without leaving any harsh lines.


10 Unique Ideas For What To Do With A Loved One’s Ashes

When funeral directors arrange multicultural funerals that are to be a cremation rather than a burial, once the proceedings have been concluded, having been asked by the deceased’s loved ones, they will arrange for the ashes of that individual to be delivered to or collected by that family.

At this point, funeral directors might be asked by the deceased’s family how they can scatter the ashes of their loved one. Thankfully, due to their many years of experience, funeral directors will have no shortage of ideas they can offer, some traditional and others less so, often bordering on the bizarre.

If you require suggestions for what to do with a loved one’s ashes or are pre-planning for your own funeral and looking for something different from the norm, below are ten options we hope you will consider. One point we must make is that some might seem inappropriate or insensitive; however, for many individuals, these will be done as part of their wishes when they pre-planned their funeral arrangements.

Turn Ashes Into Jewellery

You have a couple of options here. The simplest is to purchase lockets specially designed for carrying ashes and then give one to each of the deceased’s closest family and friends so that they are with them always. The other is companies specialising in turning ashes into diamonds and creating jewellery items such as pendants or earrings.


Which are the Most Sustainable Air Conditioners?

Which are the Most Sustainable Air Conditioners

The inverter air conditioner is one of the most sustainable air conditioning units available because inverter technology is eco-friendly technology and reduces running costs by around 30%. It is the ability to vary the unit’s speed that lowers the electricity consumption.  According to air conditioning experts, the inverter models always stay on and vary the running speed once the selected temperature is maintained. This means they not only use less power but are much quieter too.

By comparison, a non-inverter air con runs at the same start-up speed constantly, switching on and off constantly to maintain the temperature. It is the constant starting up that gobbles up power and creates noise. If you use an older model air con, it may not be an inverter type.

Another way the inverter air cons are eco-friendly is the type of refrigerant used. This is R410a refrigerant, containing HFC, as against the R22 refrigerant, which contains HCFC, a chlorine component known to destroy the ozone layer.  However, some installers will still use R22 due to its lower cost, so it’s a good idea to check before your air conditioner is installed and ask for the R410a refrigerant.

The disadvantage of choosing an air-con with inverter technology is in the initial cost. Still, since they do save so much when running and are so quiet during their operation, it is certainly worthwhile paying the extra price. Remember, the lesser cost is due to decreased consumption, which increases sustainability.


7 Health Benefits Of Using Adjustable Standing Office Desks

7 Health Benefits Of Using Adjustable Standing Office Desks

In years gone by, when you were buying commercial furniture that included office desks, invariably they would be office desks designed for sitting at. Look at most video footage of office workers going back through the decades, and almost all will feature employees sitting down and working at their desks. However, in recent years standing office desks have become increasingly popular, but it might surprise you to learn they are not a new concept.

Believe it or not, the use of standing desks can be traced back as far as 600 years ago, and it is the case that, in the 18th and 19th centuries, their use was widespread. However, the sedentary nature of the way we lived moving through the 20th century meant that standing desks were more of a novelty, rather than commercial furniture that was used widely in offices.

That has changed significantly since the start of the 21st century, and were you to look at Google Trends to see how many searches there are for “standing desks“, it will show you that since 2008 they have increased by a mind-blowing 1,200 per cent. Why would this be?

The simple fact is that the increase in the desire for and the popularity of standing desks is primarily down to a consideration of the health and well-being of those who work at office desks. This is true of individuals buying standing desks for themselves, but it is also being led by thousands of employers who regard standing office desks from Atama Furniture as a means of supporting the health of their employees. As for how, here are seven health benefits that studies and the feedback from users indicate.


5 Health Benefits Of Having A Financial Plan

5 Health Benefits Of Having A Financial Plan

There are several experts that your doctor may tell you can enhance your health such as a fitness coach, a dietician, or a physiotherapist, but one group of experts that might not be at forefront of every doctor’s or every patient’s thoughts are financial planners. Admittedly, if you have a health problem we still strongly advise you to visit your doctor first, but you would also be doing your health a favour if you speak to a financial advisor too.

If those last statements have led to a puzzled expression on your face, we are not surprised. After all, financial advisors are not the people who would immediately turn to for health advice, nor should you. We are not suggesting that your financial advisor should replace your doctor, but instead should provide you with financial planning advice that can mean you are better protected from the health issues that can arise from money worries.

In many cases, an illness or disease can often be traced, not to some physical event, but to a person’s mental health. This is most likely where the phrase “Healthy Mind, Healthy Body” originates from. It can be eye-opening when you discover that many of the physical issues you may suffer from are in part often caused by mental health issues with stress and anxiety being two of the prime culprits.


5 Everyday Activities Parents Can Use To Enhance Their Children’s Language Skills

5 Everyday Activities Parents Can Use To Enhance Their Children's Language Skills

Parents of children with speech and language difficulties may well have taken them to see a speech therapy specialist such as speech pathologists for help, advice, and a view to finding a treatment option for their child. Doubtless, the treatment recommended will be based upon the specifics of the child’s speech development problems, their age, and other factors such as their home environment.

A child’s home environment can be a huge factor in how effective any speech therapy program is. One example of how is whether or not either of the child’s parents is at home during the day which will determine if the child spends time each day with a childminder. Whilst a childminder may be able to look after the child whilst their parents are at work, their experience may not include speech therapy.

Another influence at home would be older siblings who are willing to spend time with their younger brother or sister to help with their speech. The reason why we highlight childminders and older siblings is because, despite neither having any speech therapy qualifications, and that can also extend to a child’s parents, the fact is there are several ways that all of these people with whom the child has regular contact can assist in their speech therapy.


7 Ways To Build Trust And A Bond With Your New Puppy

7 Ways To Build Trust And A Bond With Your New Puppy

Dog owners will tell you that their entire existence with their dog was a pleasure beyond words, from the moment they first picked them up, taking them to doggie daycare, all the long walks, the play times, the fun, and the endless love and loyalty, these are all part of the joy of owning a dog.

A term that is often used about owning a dog is “dog training”, but for those who are dog training experts, the term should be “human training” as it is most often what humans do that has the biggest influence on how a dog behaves.

For example, a dog owner who pulls the leash tight and crosses the street whenever another dog approaches, is sending signals to their dog that something is wrong. In turn, the dog picks up on those signals and perceives other dogs to be a threat. This can lead to them barking at, growling at, or even attacking other dogs without provocation.

In that scenario, it is not the dog that is at fault despite what it might seem. It is the actions and behaviour of their owner that has taught the dog that other dogs are to be avoided and if that means barking or growling at them, that is instinctively what a dog will do. This emphasises how much influence owners have on their dog’s behaviour and its general emotional and psychological state.


7 Ways Both You And Your Dog Can Benefit From Dog Day Care

7 Ways Both You And Your Dog Can Benefit From Dog Day Care

Just as child day care benefits children, it also allows parents to continue their careers knowing that their child is being well looked after, and thus both the parent and the child benefit. Similarly, dog daycare can benefit both the dog and its owners and should not be seen as something which in any way is punishing or harmful for your dog, nor makes you any less of a caring dog owner. To emphasise that point, here are seven examples of dog daycare benefits

Benefits Of Dog Care For Your Dog

They Can Socialise With Other Dogs In A Safe Environment: One of the most significant benefits for your dog is that it can socialise with other dogs. Dogs are pack animals; that instinct is best served when they can socialise and play with other dogs. It also helps those dogs who are somewhat fearful of other dogs overcome that fear as they soon learn that the other dogs are more likely to want to play with them than harm them.

They Will Get Lots Of Exercise: Do not be surprised when you get your dog home; they want to sleep. That will be because, during the day, they have spent lots of time and energy running around and playing with other dogs, which is ideal for keeping them fit and healthy.


How To Adapt Your Landscaping Design To help Someone With Dementia Or Alzheimer’s

How To Adapt Your Landscaping Design To help Someone With Dementia Or Alzheimer's

One of the most heartbreaking experiences any of us may have to go through is someone we love suffering from dementia or Alzheimer’s in later life. Thankfully, there are many ways in which sufferers of dementia and Alzheimer’s can continue to enjoy life, and gardening is especially popular. If you or your family cannot maintain your garden, many available people would love to help you. Gardening is a means to promote both their physical and mental health, and so a pertinent question is ‘What landscaping design is suitable for those with dementia or Alzheimer’s?’. Based on the knowledge of gardening from the professionals at Garden Spec, this blog post explores ways to adapt your landscape to help someone with Dementia Or Alzheimer’s

You must make two considerations when designing either a new landscape garden or reconfiguring a landscaped garden so that it is adapted to suit the person in question. The first of these is their safety, and the second is how to make the garden therapeutic so that it provides a means of promoting their physical and mental well-being despite the challenges they face from dementia or Alzheimer’s.


Many of the ways you can make a landscaping design safe for those with dementia or Alzheimer’s could equally apply to those without it. Since sufferers tend to be in their senior years, you need to ensure there are no trip hazards or unnecessary obstacles, that walkways are flat and easy to traverse, and that there are no low tree branches across those walkways.


5 Ways You Can Benefit From Axe Throwing

5 Ways You Can Benefit From Axe Throwing

If you have never heard of axe throwing, then you may be surprised to learn it is a hugely popular pastime, and a highly competitive sport. Axe throwing centres are fast becoming the place to go for an enjoyable get-together and chance to show your friends and family just how accurate your axe throwing skills are.

The concept is extremely simple in that there is a wooden target with concentric circles, and you score more points the closer your axe is to the centre when you throw.  Think of it a bit like darts, but with more street cred. There are many benefits to axe throwing, and to give you some incentive to give it a go, here are 5 of them.

#1 Physical Exercise.

It might not be on the same level as marathon running, but axe throwing does take a reasonable degree of physical exertion. The axes have weight to them with the smaller ones weighing around 800 grammes, and the larger ones used in some competitions weighing up to 1.5 kilograms.

Add to that the fact that you have to pull your arm back in order to then throw your axe, you will soon appreciate that there is a reasonable degree of physical effort required. What’s certain is that after you have thrown that axe several times, you will have burnt off plenty of calories.


7 Tips For Choosing The Right Wedding Car Hire Service

7 Tips For Choosing The Right Wedding Car Hire Service

One of the most important matters that need to be arranged when a wedding is being planned is the wedding cars. Whether it is just one for the bride, or a whole fleet for the entire family, hiring wedding cars is not just a case of picking up the phone and calling for one as you would with a taxi.

You want to plan well ahead because if you find the ideal wedding cars, you do not want to delay booking them otherwise you could end up disappointed if another engaged couple gets in there before you. Beyond this, you want to take care when hiring your wedding cars to ensure that they contribute to making your special day perfect, and to help you achieve that here are seven top tips for choosing the right wedding car service.

Tip #1 – Start Searching And Planning As Early As Possible

The sooner you decide upon a wedding date and the locations where the service and reception take place, the better. Not only will this help the overall planning, but it means you can start searching for your wedding cars without further delay.


Iron Deficient? Try this amazing natural food source

Iron Deficient Try this amazing natural food source

Are you iron deficient? Or choose not to eat iron-rich animal products? Already eating heaps of leafy greens but don’t want to take a supplement? Say hello to blackstrap molasses!

Blackstrap molasses was at one time the most popular sweetener in the world (circ, 18th Century) as it was more affordable than refined cane sugar. Molasses is a by-product of the sugar making process – sugar cane is crushed & the juice is boiled to create sugar cane syrup. A second boiling makes molasses & the third boiling creates the dark viscous liquid that is blackstrap molasses. The term ‘Blackstrap’ comes from the US.

Blackstrap molasses has the lowest sugar content of any sugar cane product as most of the sucrose has been removed in the sugar making production, giving it a low glycaemic (GI) index of 55 so it is a great sweetener substitute for diabetics. It also has high levels of chromium which helps to stabilise blood sugar levels.

The most amazing thing about blackstrap molasses is its nutritional content. Per 100g it contains 95% of your recommended daily intake of iron (approx. 13mg) which is about 5 times more iron than a steak! It also contains 400mg of calcium & 300mg of magnesium. It is also high in vitamin B6, potassium, manganese & selenium.


Things You Didn’t Know About Landscaping

Things You Didn’t Know About Landscaping

Most of us like to think we know all there is to know about our properties and how to make them look at their best. However, since landscaping is a multi-faceted beast, there is likely plenty you don’t know about it.

Before you get stuck in, Perth Landscapers Principal Landscapes provide here some background information that may influence how you tackle your perth landscape services going forward.

Landscaping Around Businesses May Reduce Crime

Many business owners find themselves in a very unfortunate situation. Sometimes, upon arriving to work, they realise someone has entered their property without permission and caused a great deal of damage or stole thousands of dollars of goods.

You may never prevent that from happening to your business, but landscaping might be how you reduce the risk. Some studies have shown that professionally landscaped companies are less inviting to criminals.

Some people believe this is because they tend to incorporate lighting to make would-be thieves more at risk of exposure and capture.

Good Soil Provides the Foundation for Exceptional Landscaping

When you see landscapers bringing trailers full of soil to a property for landscaping, you might think that it’s odd. If soil is already present, why add more? After performing soil tests, it’s not uncommon to find that some soil is simply not good enough to help plants thrive.


10 Tips For Applying Epoxy Floors

10 Tips For Applying Epoxy Floors

Whilst we normally recommend that professional floor companies are the best people to apply epoxy floor coatings, we accept there are those who might have some experience of flooring, or who are confident that they are capable of going through the whole process themselves. If so, we have 10 excellent tips to help you apply your epoxy floor.

#1 Plan Everything: Before You Start: sit down for a minute or two and ensure you have planned the entire job from start to finish. Also, make sure you have read the instructions for mixing the epoxy resin you are going to be using thoroughly.

#2: Try Some Sample Mixes: As part of your preparation you should try a few sample mixes of the epoxy resin to see what consistencies you create. It will also give you greater awareness of the coating’s physical qualities and how it alters based on the proportions that you mix the two chemicals.

#3: Prepare The Surface: The concrete surface that you are going to be applying the epoxy floor coating to, needs to be prepared properly beforehand. This is especially true of surfaces that may be polished. They need to prepped using grit pads to create a surface that the epoxy solution will adhere to when it is being applied.

#4: Thoroughly Clean The Surface: One of the most common mistakes made by DIYers with regards to epoxy floor coatings is that they fail to get the surface of the floor absolutely spotless. Even tiny pieces of dust or fluff can cause unsightly marks or raised areas, so make sure yours is 100% clean.


7 Ways You Can Self-Sabotage Your Partner Visa Application

7 Ways You Can Self-Sabotage Your Partner Visa Application

It is certain that a vast number of visa applications, such as those for a partner visa, are refused, not for relating to the facts about or the suitability of the applicant at face value for permanent residency. In other words, under normal circumstances they would be granted their partner visas.

The reason they are refused is instead because their behaviour in relation to their application gave the impression that they were not taken the application process seriously, nor did they treat it with the respect that it deserves. When we say behaviour we do not mean in the same sense as a naughty child, although immaturity often plays a part. Rather, we are talking about the mindset of the applicant, or more specifically their flawed mindset.

Below we have outlined some of the behaviours we are referring in more detail. We do so to enlighten those reading, but more importantly to emphasise to those about to enter the application process that they must avoid all of them. Otherwise you risk self-sabotaging your partner visa application.

Not Taking The Whole Process Seriously

This problem almost certainly stems from a flawed mindset, but why it occurs will differ from person to person. It could be that they genuinely do not care whether they are allowed to become a resident or not, and submit a poor application. In this case do not be surprised if the immigration authorities regard the application as not serious nor genuine and refuse it.


How To Cope With Backache From Sitting In An Office Chair All Day

How To Cope With Backache From Sitting In An Office Chair All Day

If you have to sit in an office chair for long hours at a time you may be a web designer.  If you are not to get a backache, it’s important to ensure your chair is a good fit for you. Even ergonomic chairs will not prevent a backache if they are not of the right dimensions for you. Tall people need a chair that is larger than one a short person would find comfortable.

Often, even though the chair fits and the desk is the right height, people who sit for many hours a day can still end up with a backache. This can be due to any number of factors. In fact, if the computer monitor is not directly in front of you, a neck and backache can develop from the angle of your neck and head. Even though you may only need to turn slightly, when you have to hold that position for a long time, it can put a strain on your neck and spine.

If you have a backache at the end of the day – or before – try these few healthy living tips to alleviate it.

  • Place a cushion at your lower back for more support
  • Get up more frequently, stretch and walk about
  • Sit on a cushion with a coccyx cut-out at the back to relieve pressure on the sciatic nerve
  • Try and keep your back straight rather than slumping
  • Use a chair with padded armrests to ease shoulder and upper back pain
  • Stretch your arms above your head at random times throughout the day
  • Move your head gently from side to side every so often
  • Inscribe circles with your shoulders to ease stiffness in the upper back
  • Make sure your feet are firmly on the floor and the top half of your legs are horizontal, not sloping either up or down.
  • If nothing else works, try a different kind of chair


How Professional Website Design Can Boost The Rankings And Revenue Of Your Life Coaching Business

How Professional Website Design Can Boost The Rankings And Revenue Of Your Life Coaching Business

If your life coaching business has a website that seems to contribute nothing, you are missing out on an opportunity to expand your business with the help of Google. A website can play a huge role in how well a business ranks on Google, and as the professionals at will advise you, a poor design can have the opposite effect.

The mistake which many business owners make is that they believe that the appearance of their website is all-important, to the detriment of everything else. Whilst you obviously want your website to look as good as it can, focussing on that and ploughing all your resources into the visual elements of your website, could bring no rewards whatsoever.

One thing to know is that Google cannot assess how good or bad a website looks. In other words, Google’s bot do not see your high-definition images, your colourful graphics and what is being spoken about on any videos. However, within the coding of your website there will be indicators as to what each page, and the website as a whole, is about.

You could actually have a website that is not particularly appealing visually, but it could still outrank one which does, simply because the structure and the programming used to create it is better optimised for SEO.


How To Improve Your Landscaping Design By Drawing It First

How To Improve Your Landscaping Design By Drawing It First

There are many stages necessary to go from the decision to have a newly landscaped garden through the design, planning, and actual landscaping to be completed before you and others are at the stage where you can sit in and enjoy your new garden.

Unless the design is done correctly, taking into account the dimensions of the garden, the budget, the required features, and sound gardening principles with regards to what specific plants will be used, and where they will be located, any landscaping project is not going to be as successful as it otherwise could be.

Designing a landscaped garden can be done in many ways, with advanced software being the one that many landscape design companies might utilize, although not all. For others, it is the good old, tried, and trusted pencil and paper that are used, with a little help from some drawing implements such as a ruler.

The first stage with regards to drawing your landscape design does not need straight lines and 100% accuracy. Instead what you want to do is determine what you already have in your garden and record it by making rough sketches of where everything is located, and by making notes about what is there. This can include both natural features, such as a large tree, and non-natural such as existing garden furniture, fences, and walkways.


Warning Signs of a Heart Attack

Warning Signs of a Heart Attack

No one wants to have a heart attack, but many people do; sadly, funeral directors find it is the number one killer in many countries. One reason for this is obesity and a sedentary lifestyle. But even stress can cause a heart attack. Whether you are a business person running a busy business or a hard-working carpet cleaner, when you have a heart attack, it is essential to have treatment as soon as possible to lessen the damage done to the heart. The trouble is that not everyone recognises they are having a heart attack because of the symptoms they get. It is not always a pain in the heart or chest area that heralds such an attack.

Here are some of the signs of a heart attack. If they last for 10 minutes, you should dial 000.

  • Pain in the lower jaw on either side extends into the chest.
  • Pain or discomfort in the neck, with a burning or choking feeling in the throat. It may originate in the chest and move to the neck.
  • Pain, heaviness or pressure in the shoulders that moves to the chest. One or both shoulders can be affected.
  • Pain, heaviness or tightness in the centre of the chest. Generally, a stabbing, sharp pain in the chest is not indicative of a heart attack. It is more like a crushing weight.
  • A dull ache between the shoulder blades that spread from the chest
  • Pain, heaviness, discomfort, tingling or uselessness in one or both arms, often originating from the chest.

Secondary warning signs accompanying the above can be nausea, cold sweats, dizziness and shortness of breath.


7 Facts About Teeth Whitening You Should Know

7 Facts About Teeth Whitening You Should Know

Whilst every dentist will tell you they’d rather people look after their teeth properly to avoid staining, nevertheless, staining does occur, and one of the most popular remedies is whitening. There are several ways in which teeth whitening can occur, but in all cases, the effect is to give teeth a makeover and return them to their gleaming white state, and in doing so, give the individual the confidence to smile once more.

If you have been considering whitening or are concerned about stains on your teeth and would like to know more about teeth whitening, with the help of dental experts, here are 7 facts about teeth whitening that you should know before making any decision.

Preventing Staining Is The Best Way To Achieve White Teeth

At the risk of sounding like killjoys, we are going to say upfront that the best way to keep your teeth white is to avoid staining in the first place. As well as avoiding activities that are well known to stain teeth like smoking and drinking excess tea or coffee, regular brushing, will be a lot more effective, and less expensive than teeth whitening.

Teeth Whitening Will Not Harm Your Teeth

The process which occurs when teeth are being whitened is harmless to them. During the process, ingredients within the whitener open the tiny pores which exist within your teeth. This not only helps to remove stains, but it also rehydrates the teeth and allows the mineralization process to enhance the natural whiteness of your teeth.


Food and Exercises To Keep Your Eyes Healthy

Food and Exercises To Keep Your Eyes Healthy

There are many jobs that can cause eyestrain, especially those in the area of computers. If you work as an SEO expert you’ll be focussed on that computer screen for 8 hours a day or more, which can be a big strain on your eyes. Since we all depend on our eyes a great deal, it is essential to keep them healthy and there are several ways to do this.

Food to keep your eyes healthy

One way is to have a healthy diet, but there are certain foods on restaurant menus that are better for eye health than others, so make sure you include them in your diet every day.

  • Foods that are orange in color contain beta-carotene, a nutrient that is especially good for eyesight. Carrots, sweet potato, and pumpkin are easy additions to your evening meals.


Can A Stepparent Legally Adopt A Child?

Can A Stepparent Legally Adopt A Child

It is a common scenario that one of the parents who care for a child is not their birth parent but a stepparent. There may come a time, that having discussed the matter with their other parent, and the child, that they wish to legally adopt their step-child, and this is when their family lawyers are most likely going to be required to advise, and represent them, given that it can be a complex process.

The first thing that needs to be established is whether or not the stepparent who wishes to adopt their stepchild is actually eligible to do so. The legal requirement and eligibility rules relating to stepparent adoption are laid out in the Family Law Act of 1975.

Before a family court will even consider an application for stepparent adoption, there are three basic questions that must be answered.  The first and overriding requirement is that if the adoption takes place, it must be in the best interests of the child.

For anyone who has studied or encountered family law, they will have undoubtedly known that whenever a child is involved in any way in family court matters, all decisions will normally have this as the primary part of the consideration.

The second consideration is whether the child’s biological parent is no longer has any active role in their life. For example, they could have abandoned their family some years ago, or have chosen to live in another country without any contact with the child.


How Can My Choice Of Pool Fence Impact My Overall Garden Design?

How Can My Choice Of Pool Fence Impact My Overall Garden Design

Designing the right garden and yard space to suit your lifestyle can be difficult, but it’s certainly possible – especially if you work with a professional landscape designer. The first thing you need to consider is any large elements such as swimming pools or pool fencing that will influence your whole landscape design.

Different pool fencing styles are suited to different landscape designs. For example, glass pool fencing from places like Clear Az Glass are probably most suited to open areas and well manicured gardens. On the other hand, something like tubular metal pool fencing usually works best with gardens that benefit from being separated into sections.

With this in mind, let’s have a look at a few of the ways that the pool fence that you choose can influence the landscape design an expert landscape designers can produce.


Compensation Payouts If You Win A Medical Negligence Case Against Your Dentist

Compensation Payouts If You Win A Medical Negligence Case Against Your Dentist

It is the right of every patient to expect a duty of care from any medical professional, and that includes their favourite dentist. Should that dentist fail to show a duty of care to the patient, and it results in that patient suffering a loss, injury, or damage, then the patient has the right to sue that dentist or dental practice, for medical negligence.

Now that all sounds fine, but you should be aware that medical negligence is an extremely complex area of the law and being able to prove medical negligence can be a considerable challenge. Should you ever need to sue, then it is certainly advisable that you seek legal guidance and representation.

Whilst you may have an existing commercial lawyer from who represents you, for medical negligence cases it is recommended that you acquire a lawyer who is versed in that sort of case. For a start, they will consult with you to ascertain whether not you have grounds to bring a medical negligence case at all, and if you do, what the chances are of it succeeding.


5 Myths About Divorce You Must Not Believe

5 Myths About Divorce You Must Not Believe

Whenever family lawyers meet with a client there will be many things they need to discuss. There is obviously the divorce and no doubt the client will have several questions which they need to ask. In addition, the divorce lawyer may have to dismiss many of the assumptions and misunderstandings that their client may have about the whole process.

Some of this will understandably be due to the fact that most clients are not experts on divorce law, otherwise, they would be sitting on the opposite side of the table. In addition, there can undoubtedly be elements of the client’s beliefs about divorce that have sprung up due to some of the many myths that surround it.

Many of these myths get passed from friend to friend and relative to relative, no doubt in a spirit of trying to help, but they actually achieve the opposite by sowing the seeds of doubt and worry. Another reason myths can occur is due to the media that we see on our television and online. These can include movies that use dramatic license to create legal and courtroom scenarios that bear little relationship to the real thing.

One point about movies is that we get many of them from Hollywood which being in the USA will base their storylines on American law and the legal system as it applies to divorce there. The differences between how divorce is enacted in the USA and Australia are significant, so again this can lead to confusion and concern thinking that what happens in a movie is going to happen here.

So, in order to try to eliminate some of the concerns people have about divorce, we are going to dispel 5 of the most common myths about divorce in Australia.
