There are many stages necessary to go from the decision to have a newly landscaped garden through the design, planning, and actual landscaping to be completed before you and others are at the stage where you can sit in and enjoy your new garden.
Unless the design is done correctly, taking into account the dimensions of the garden, the budget, the required features, and sound gardening principles with regards to what specific plants will be used, and where they will be located, any landscaping project is not going to be as successful as it otherwise could be.
Designing a landscaped garden can be done in many ways, with advanced software being the one that many landscape design companies might utilize, although not all. For others, it is the good old, tried, and trusted pencil and paper that are used, with a little help from some drawing implements such as a ruler.
The first stage with regards to drawing your landscape design does not need straight lines and 100% accuracy. Instead what you want to do is determine what you already have in your garden and record it by making rough sketches of where everything is located, and by making notes about what is there. This can include both natural features, such as a large tree, and non-natural such as existing garden furniture, fences, and walkways.