Grandparents Rights after Divorce

Grandparents Rights after Divorce

One major casualty after divorce is the relationship between grandparents and their grandchildren.  Most grandparents are passionate about their grandchildren and being deprived of any rights to see them is very hurtful and painful to both them and their grandchildren. Divorce is never an easy time and it is difficult not to take sides when you are close to the situation. Sometimes, parents of each spouse are very opinionated about the relationship and don’t hesitate to make their views known. It is this as much as anything that can make the custodial parent want to eliminate any visiting rights for the grandparents. But in doing so they harm their children, who often need that extra love and understanding once they have to live without a parent they love. If the grandparents are from a different culture, depriving the children of enjoying interaction with them can deprive them of important aspects of their heritage.  Even if they are from the same culture, grandparents do now have certain rights with regards to seeing their beloved grandchildren. (more…)